Saturday 17 December 2016

Forex news trading software how to trade forex fundamental news how to trade forex on news releases for free download

How to use Forex news trading software
Forex news trading software how to trade forex fundamental news how to trade forex on news releases for free download
Step 1
This is the first screen you'll see when the app starts. The next event is at the top and colour-coded green, if there are multiple events at that time, then they're all highlighted.
The app is fully automated, so you don't need to do anything. If you're immersed in your trading platfom watching candles,
then the app is a perfect compliment as it will sound an alarm once the [Next Event Countdown] matches the number of
minutes you set in the [Alarm Time] section.
If you want to ignore any event(s), you can remove them by i) pressing the [Delete] button ii) right-clicking any row in the
events window or iii) pressing [Mute]. Event(s) are removed once your system clock goes past the events time, the next
event(s) are then highlighted. Note: You can re-populate the event window by clicking the small [Refresh] arrow in the top left,
next to the 'Today's events' label.
There's a session indicator at the top, displaying Sydney, Tokyo, London and New York - a bell sounds when these sessions
open and close.
Finally, there's a [Candle Alarm]. This sounds an alarm when your system clock reaches 15, 30 or 60 minutes, so you can
check candles on your trading platform to see if they've painted the picture you hoped and prayed for

Step 2

Clicking the [Impact] button, highlights all rows in the events window with the relevant impact colour. This gives a quick visual
overview on the importance of the upcoming events. You can then formulate a trading plan based around any impending highimpact
events in red.

Step 3
To view all of the week's events, click the [Blue arrow] or [Shaded Line], at the bottom. This is very useful to analyse market
capitulation / manipulation, as instituions usually price in events well ahead of any data release and use the actual data
release to trap retail trade. To formulate a plan, expand the form to view the bottom events window and click the [Tomorrows
Events] radio button on the left. Click the [Impact] button (on the left) and click the [impact] column header, to sort the events.
Click this column so the high-impact events in red are at the top. You can now see which currency pairs will be affected
tomorrow and if there's a large enough discrepancy between [forecast] and [previous], then that chart / currency warrants
This window also shows the volatility for today's events compared to the week. In the [Next Event Countdown] window, a small
light flashes and its colour matches the volatility for that day, so you can see if the day is important without expanding the
lower window, just by looking at this flashing light.

Step 4
Finally, you can check Forex websites by clicking the [Forex News Sites] button at the bottom. You can also check that the
event data corroborates with the app by viewing the forex factory web page; the events should be synchronied, so you'll have
to adjust the [Timezones] setting (upper white icons) until the app shows event data correctly.
Once data is released, use this form to view the actual data

Free download


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